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How We Can Help

How We Can Help

How We Can Help

At the Icla da Silva Foundation, we know what it means to have a loved one suffering from blood cancer. Our mission is to save the lives of patients with diseases whose only cure is a bone marrow or cord blood transplant by providing emotional, logistical, and financial support to remove barriers to treatment.

Our mission to support patients and their families come from personal experience.

Watch a social worker describe her recent experience working with the Icla da Silva Foundation to support her patients.

Emotional Support

We understand the challenges that bone marrow transplant candidates are met with during search and treatment. We work closely with patient families in order to understand their needs and arrange the necessary support.

Logistical Information

We assist families with strategies to recruit potential donors. We also help them navigate the confusing medical care system. Additionally, we refer patients to various treatment centers across the country depending on the patient’s condition, so that different medical opinions can be taken into account.

Financial Support

For patients who demonstrate a financial need, our IclaCares program can provide financial assistance as they work through their bone marrow, cord blood, or stem cell transplant and treatment.

In order to be eligible for assistance, all of our patients must be in treatment for a bone marrow or cord blood transplant at a hospital or critical care center based in the United States.

There are five grant opportunities for bone marrow and cord blood transplant patients.

Priority for grants is given to patients who meet the eligibility guidelines and demonstrate the greatest financial need.

As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of our financial donors. Program continuation is dependent on the availability of funds and the program could be modified or discontinued at any time if funding is limited or no longer available.

The maximum grant allocated per patient is $500.

Go to the Patient Registration Form.

patient registration form