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Twins Reach Their Cure for Sickle Cell

What a Difference a Year Can Make

Hollywood, FL

When we first met Marelyn, her twins, Aaron and Ryan, had just undergone a bone marrow transplant in the hopes of curing sickle cell disease. The risks were significant, but the boys were critically ill, and a transplant was their only chance.

As a single mother, Marelyn took the brave step of agreeing to the transplant and becoming their bone marrow donor.

But the transplant wasn’t successful.

Imagine receiving that news. They had been struggling for years, in and out of the hospital since birth. Marelyn was unable to work full time, and could hardly keep food on the table while caring for her sick boys. Now, their “only hope” had failed, and she was devastated.

With no one else to turn to, she fell into a deep depression.

A 2nd Chance at a Cure

The medical team was determined to try again. Marelyn was terrified, but there was no other option. She agreed and donated her stem cells a second time.

During this second chance, the Icla da Silva Foundation stepped in to support the family. We granted financial assistance to help her pay the bills and keep food on the table. Just as important, we offered emotional support.

“She told me everything was going to be okay” 

Adriana, our Patient Services Coordinator, kept in close contact with Marelyn, offering comfort and reminding her that everything would be OK. A few heartfelt text messages on a Saturday afternoon made all the difference to someone facing such overwhelming fear and uncertainty.

The 2nd transplant was successful.

Watch Marelyn’s transformation in this interview. Listen to her before and after the second transplant. See the dramatic change in her face, a result of the successful transplant and the compassionate, hands-on support from the Icla da Silva Foundation.

Today, Marelyn is happy, and her boys are thriving. She remains grateful to the Icla da Silva Foundation for our support. We were thrilled to have them at our Hope Gala in NYC to share their story. We wish them many more years of health and happiness.

How You Can Help

We couldn’t have helped Marelyn and her twins without support from generous people like you.

Your donation will help another patient reach their cure. Every dollar counts, and even a small amount can make a significant difference to a family struggling through treatment.


Thank you for reading and watching. With your help, we will continue to make a life-changing difference.

Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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