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A Lifeline for Cancer Patients


Dallas, TX

Diana was experiencing overwhelming fatigue. It didn’t make sense, she had just celebrated her birthday with friends and family. Everything was fine. Suddenly, she had no strength.

After arriving at the hospital, she was immediately admitted. Her blood counts were so low, they were surprised she was still able to stand. A few days later, she received a life-threatening diagnosis, non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

It took ten months of treatment before CAR-T cell therapy was scheduled. In all that time, she was unable to work. Her husband had to sacrifice his full-time job to be her caregiver, adding to their financial burdens.

Cancer is frightening, treatment is physically draining, and the financial hardship is overwhelming. Medical bills, utilities, and groceries were becoming increasingly difficult to afford.

Support during such a challenging time is crucial

The Icla da Silva Foundation provided financial assistance that played a significant role in Diana’s recovery. It gave her family a chance to catch their breath and regroup, without the looming threat of unpaid bills.

The foundation’s assistance was a lifeline, providing much-needed relief during a challenging time. Diana shared that when she read the email from us, she felt a wave of gratitude wash over her.

“I feel grateful. Any help comes a long way. Thank you for choosing me and my family during this difficult time.”

Diana hopes this support will help them get back on track and believes it might even alleviate her stress-induced headaches from the constant worry.

You Can Help

Your support can make a difference. By donating to the Icla da Silva Foundation, you can help patients like Diana receive the financial assistance they need to focus on recovery. Every contribution, no matter how small, can provide a lifeline for families facing the challenges of cancer.

Join us in making a difference. Together, we can help patients like Diana find hope and healing.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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