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Two Cancers Turned Her World Upside Down


Ventura, Ca

Tami’s life took a harrowing turn when she received a leukemia diagnosis at the age of 39. It transformed her world into a fight for survival. Chemo and immunotherapy eventually put her in remission.

It was a fragile victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Fighting Two Cancers

Four years later, fate dealt another cruel blow. She was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer. To make matters worse, blood tests revealed that the leukemia had returned.

Panic set in. Tami’s world turned upside down as she fought two cancers at once.

Through it all, her husband Tom was her rock. He was her biggest cheerleader, at her side every step of the way. But acting as a caregiver during treatment, while also taking care of their two children, meant less time at work.

Where Would They Get Help

There wasn’t enough money coming in to meet all of the out-of-pocket costs incurred during treatment.

A social worker at City of Hope, where Tami would receive her bone marrow transplant, mentioned a grant program called Icla Cares that might help ease their financial burden.

Tami wasn’t working, and her husband’s reduced hours while she was in treatment meant they were walking a financial tightrope.

The Icla Cares Program Was a Lifeline

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Icla da Silva Foundation provided crucial support for Tami and her family. We helped fund housing during treatment to ease their heavy financial burden.

Tami’s breast cancer was removed, and her bone marrow transplant was a success.

It was definitely a struggle for our entire family,” Tami shared, “but thanks to the incredible support from family, friends, and this amazing program from the Icla da Silva Foundation, we survived. Those funds were a huge blessing.”


Show Your Support

A cancer journey is a physical, emotional, and financial struggle. It’s a life-threatening battle for the patient and it affects the entire family. When we remove financial barriers during treatment, we empower a family like Tami’s to focus on healing and look towards the future.

Please donate to support our mission and help a patient in their battle against blood cancer.

Your gift could provide housing assistance to a family battling cancer, just like it did for Tami’s family.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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