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Supporting a Patient in Their Darkest Time


Tinley Park, IL

The doctor asked her to immediately call her family. Nour was being hospitalized that day to treat a rare blood cancer, b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Weeks earlier she was feeling fatigued, often dizzy and breathless. When bruises appeared for no reason, she made an appointment to see her doctor. Now she had to call her boss while crying to explain why she could no longer fulfill her work commitment.

The Difficult Journey Ahead

She was to begin a long and difficult journey – weeks turned into months of chemotherapy, transfusions, and radiation in preparation to receive a bone marrow transplant. During this time, she did her best to manage the side effects including nausea, weight loss, depression, anxiety, and of course fear of the outcome.

What would happen?

Nour comes from a loving family and has always cherished time with her young nieces and nephews. Her name Nour means “sunlight.” She has always been a source of light to those around her, but especially for the smallest members of her family.

Although she was in pain, and terribly thin from illness, she couldn’t stay away from the little ones. But she didn’t want them to see her sick.

So at 88 lbs, she would don her favorite wig, apply some lip liner, and put on a happy face to be with them.

They were a source of hope.

Nour explains that hope was a major factor in her recovery. Even though she was surrounded by family, she still had the feeling of being alone. No one really knew the entirety of what she was dealing with. Many patients are uncomfortable expressing their fears with loved ones.

Her medical treatment, especially over a prolonged period, led to many unexpected costs. Nour was not able to work during many months and her savings quickly depleted. She explains, “Experiencing financial struggles is very overwhelming. It caused me so much stress and anxiety.

LifeSaving Support

Nour is very grateful to the Icla da Silva Foundation for rushing to provide financial and emotional support during an extremely difficult time. In addition to the assurance that she wasn’t facing this battle alone, we helped fund co-pays, transportation, and groceries while she fought for her life.

Receiving your grant brought me relief and restored my hope. I felt like I had a community with me. Thank you again for everything you and your program do to help people going through this dark time.”

Nour received her bone marrow transplant and we wish her a full recovery. We hope she continues to bring light to everyone around her.

You can make a real difference as someone battles for life. A bone marrow transplant is a long and difficult journey. It brings a host of expenses that aren’t covered by most medical insurance.

Please donate today and help a patient like Nour access a life-saving transplant. You will remove barriers for a patient in their darkest time.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch


A Lifeline to Recovery – Everything’s Gonna Be Alright


Port Washington, WI

Bob’s world was shattered when he was diagnosed with blood cancer. He was already working two jobs to shoulder the financial burdens that included prior medical debt. His diagnosis forced him to stop working, and the looming bone marrow transplant meant he would be out of work for months.

In this critical moment, the Icla da Silva Foundation became a lifeline, stepping in to keep the lights on.

Support extended even further, providing funds for Bob to stay at Kathy’s House – a haven near the transplant center crucial for his recovery.

Bob told us that he was so grateful for the extra help. “I never wanted to ask, but the social workers convinced me. This had made all the difference.” With their worries eased, Bob can focus on his battle, and a chance to fight for his future and his family.

Bob’s t-shirt says it all, ‘Everything’s Gonna be Alright.’

We wish him a full recovery following his bone marrow transplant.

Your support can offer a family like Bob’s a fighting chance in their battle against blood cancer. Please consider making a donation that funds critical needs like lodging, meals, and transportation while a patient is in treatment to receive a bone marrow transplant.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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From Caregiver to Receiver: Helping a Patient’s Journey


Floosmoor, IL

Donna’s cancer diagnosis brought a daunting challenge. Treatment meant months without work, leaving her to face mounting bills.

She needed assistance while preparing for a bone marrow transplant, but she was afraid to ask.

Donna has always been the one helping others. She lived a life of giving. She was a school teacher, a caretaker for elderly family members, and a maternal neighborhood figure, taking local children to summer camp through her church.

Now it was her turn to ask for help, but it put her in an uncomfortable position.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Icla da Silva Foundation stepped in to provide critical support during treatment. Donna told us that when the email came through, indicating that she was approved there was only $12 in her bank account. We provided crucial funds for groceries and transportation to medical appointments. We also helped her keep the lights on.

Donna was happy to express her gratitude.

Sometimes, no one knows the distress that someone may be in. I was struggling, financially, silently. I continued to care for my aunt and my mom! I’m fortunate to have credit cards so I had resources. It was just awesome to be selected to receive help from Icla da Silva Foundation. It made me feel like I wasn’t alone and that someone cared!”

Donna’s bone marrow transplant was successful and we wish her a full recovery.

She looks forward to being able to give again.

Your generosity can make a life-changing difference for someone like Donna in their most vulnerable moment. Please donate today.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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“Shining a Light” on Financial Hardship During Cancer


Mckeesport, PA

We received this heartfelt letter from a patient’s wife, sharing how our financial assistance program provided them with much-needed support during their battle with cancer.

We want to thank your organization for helping us pay our electric bill (they were about to shut the lights off). There was even money left over for groceries. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

There are no government programs for people like us…we make too much to receive assistance, but not enough to get through the month, especially since my husband is not able to work right now due to his cancer.

Our daughter struggles with addiction, so we take care of our 4-year-old granddaughter. There is no assistance for grandparents who take custody to keep their grandchild out of the foster care system. We would never allow that to happen. She is the light of our lives.

If it weren’t for your program, we would have NOTHING – no assistance.

Paul is very quiet, so I will speak for him and say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WHAT YOU DO….If there is ever a time when we can give back, we definitely will!!!

Thank you again from Paul and Kristie 😊

We are happy to report that Paul received his stem cell transplant and is on the road to recovery.

Paul’s story, shared by his wife Kristie, is just one example of how the Icla da Silva Foundation is making a difference in the life of a patient facing financial hardship during cancer. The options for support while fighting a life-threatening disease are very limited. And timing is obviously important.

We were able to provide immediate support thanks to the generosity of donors like you.

Will you help us continue?

Your donation, no matter how large or small, can make a huge difference in the difficult journey to receive a bine marrow transplant. Please consider making a gift today, help us keep the lights on and food on the table for those who need it most.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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Two Cancers Turned Her World Upside Down


Ventura, Ca

Tami’s life took a harrowing turn when she received a leukemia diagnosis at the age of 39. It transformed her world into a fight for survival. Chemo and immunotherapy eventually put her in remission.

It was a fragile victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Fighting Two Cancers

Four years later, fate dealt another cruel blow. She was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer. To make matters worse, blood tests revealed that the leukemia had returned.

Panic set in. Tami’s world turned upside down as she fought two cancers at once.

Through it all, her husband Tom was her rock. He was her biggest cheerleader, at her side every step of the way. But acting as a caregiver during treatment, while also taking care of their two children, meant less time at work.

Where Would They Get Help

There wasn’t enough money coming in to meet all of the out-of-pocket costs incurred during treatment.

A social worker at City of Hope, where Tami would receive her bone marrow transplant, mentioned a grant program called Icla Cares that might help ease their financial burden.

Tami wasn’t working, and her husband’s reduced hours while she was in treatment meant they were walking a financial tightrope.

The Icla Cares Program Was a Lifeline

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Icla da Silva Foundation provided crucial support for Tami and her family. We helped fund housing during treatment to ease their heavy financial burden.

Tami’s breast cancer was removed, and her bone marrow transplant was a success.

It was definitely a struggle for our entire family,” Tami shared, “but thanks to the incredible support from family, friends, and this amazing program from the Icla da Silva Foundation, we survived. Those funds were a huge blessing.”


Show Your Support

A cancer journey is a physical, emotional, and financial struggle. It’s a life-threatening battle for the patient and it affects the entire family. When we remove financial barriers during treatment, we empower a family like Tami’s to focus on healing and look towards the future.

Please donate to support our mission and help a patient in their battle against blood cancer.

Your gift could provide housing assistance to a family battling cancer, just like it did for Tami’s family.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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Helping a New Father Fight Blood Cancer


Palatine, IL

Recently, Haitham’s world overflowed with joy. He and his wife Nicole welcomed their first child, a beautiful baby boy.

Two months later, their excitement was shattered by devastating news.

A Life-Threatening Diagnosis

Haitham just wasn’t feeling right. He was struggling with fatigue and joint pain for months. Red spots suddenly appeared on his body. His wife is a Dental Hygienist; when she noticed that his gums were swollen and bleeding, she demanded he visit urgent care to get blood work.

The blood tests revealed crushing news, this new father was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). He was recommended to receive a bone marrow transplant.

A Grueling Financial Burden

With a newborn baby at home, the physical, emotional, and financial burden of blood cancer felt insurmountable.

Haitham had not been able to work since his diagnosis. He could barely stand from the fatigue. His wife Nicole was ready to return to work following maternity leave. But now with the transplant coming, she had to switch to a part-time schedule to be his caregiver.

Things were very difficult for me and my wife,” Haitham recalls. Just as they were on the brink of losing their home and car, a social worker at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, connected them with the Icla da Silva Foundation.

Giving Him A Fighting Chance

Through the Icla Cares program, we provided funds to ensure they could afford housing and transportation while he underwent a bone marrow transplant.

Thanks to our donors, we provided support at a critical moment in their battle against blood cancer. The grant helped keep a roof over their head and maintain their only vehicle while he was in treatment. “It gave me peace of mind,” Haitham says, “knowing we wouldn’t lose everything.”

The transplant was successful. Haitham is currently in remission and slowly recovering.

He is not yet able to return to work, but he is strong enough to care for their son while his wife is at work. We wish him a full recovery and many cherished years with their baby boy.

You Can Help

The Icla da Silva Foundation offers support and hope for a family in their battle against blood cancer. For a patient in financial crisis, we provide grants for meals, transportation, and housing while they are in treatment to receive a bone marrow transplant.

Your support empowers a patient like Haitham to focus on healing. Your donation will ensure a family has the resources they need to fight a life-threatening battle.

Please donate today.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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No One Expects to Receive a Blood Cancer Diagnosis


Hope, ID

Cindy and her husband were enjoying retirement, but their golden years were threatened when she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The only path to a cure was a bone marrow transplant, a long and arduous therapy that carries a high risk of complications. The news overwhelmed Cindy and her husband, but she was determined to fight.

Following her diagnosis, Cindy spent two critical months in the hospital.

After being approved for a transplant, they had to relocate to Seattle. Treatment is intensive and bone marrow transplant patients are required to stay within 30 miles of the transplant center in case of complications.

Her husband packed up their dog Murphy and moved in with family to be closer to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.

It was a scary, challenging time. Battling her disease was compounded by the stress of mounting expenses. No one plans to receive a diagnosis of blood cancer. As a couple on a fixed retirement income, the added cost of housing, transportation, and meals while in treatment was a lot to take on. How would they get through this?

That’s when the Icla da Silva Foundation stepped in. Thanks to the generosity of donors, we provided critical funds for transportation and meals during treatment.

Cindy was grateful for the support she received.

The assistance helped us stress less about all the bills and focus more on getting well. Having cancer is stressful enough. It’s wonderful knowing that there is an organization like the Icla da Silva Foundation to lessen the burden.”

Her transplant was successful and we wish Cindy a full recovery.

Will you help a patient like Cindy as they battle a life-threatening blood cancer? Your donation will give them hope and strength to face each day.

Please donate today.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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Little Warrior: Valeria’s Brave Battle


Huntington Station, NY

Imagine your baby spending months in the ICU, those tiny fingers and toes grasping for life.

Baby Valeria was born with a rare genetic blood disorder. She faced unimaginable challenges before reaching her first birthday. A stroke, heart attack, and collapsed lungs all threatened this little warrior’s life.

For Valeria’s single mom Marcia, the world came crashing down. Forced to leave her job and apartment, she found herself facing her daughter’s fight alone, sleeping in the hospital on a chair.

The emotional and financial burden seemed insurmountable.

We learned about their story when Valeria was scheduled to receive a life-saving bone marrow transplant at only 10 months. Helping patient families navigate the difficult journey before and after transplant is what we do.

The Icla da Silva Foundation stepped in to help a mother in need.

Thanks to the generous donors that stand with us, we provided Marcia and her baby with a safe haven, a warm place to recover as the transplant worked its magic.

We also offered Marcia something just as crucial: emotional support and a shoulder to lean on. Our team member Adriana became a beacon of hope for Marcia, guiding this single mother through her darkest moments.

“Thanks to my dear Adriana. She touched my heart with her caring and persistence. She is a warrior and a fighter, just like all of the patients and families that she helps.” -Marcia M.

Little Valeria’s transplant was successful. She is still struggling, but she is home with her mom. The medical team is managing her symptoms and this tiny warrior keeps fighting.

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, baby Valeria received the care she desperately needed. But her story is not unique. Countless families face similar struggles as their loved ones battle life-threatening illnesses that are treated with a bone marrow transplant.

You can be a hero to a patient like Valeria. Your donation will provide critical support for families like Marcia’s, covering essential expenses like transportation, meals, and housing during their fight for survival.

Click the donate button below and become a hero for a patient like Valeria.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

Watch a short video of baby Valeria


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Fanny’s Fight Against Blood Cancer


Patchogue, NY

Fanny has always been a healthy, hardworking woman.

But last year, she was overcome by debilitating back pain. She thought it was just from working long hours. When a lump suddenly appeared on the back of her neck, her husband Angel sent her to the doctor and a biopsy was ordered.

Fanny was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Peripheral T-cell lymphoma. This is a fast-growing blood cancer that could quickly metastasize and spread to the rest of her body.

They needed to take immediate action.

She was sent for chemotherapy treatments. As a result, she could no longer keep her job as a childcare worker. The chemo left her so fatigued, that Fanny barely had the strength to keep up with her own children.

Her husband Angel was her rock. He kept insisting that everything would be ok. He would take care of her, and they would beat this together as a family.

After a year of chemotherapy, Fanny was finally scheduled to receive a bone marrow transplant.

From Bad to Worse

Fanny and Angel have always worked hard. It wasn’t easy, but they did it together. They were able to keep the bills paid and even save a little for their future.

Now that Fanny was unable to work, finances were tight. Angel had to take eight weeks of unpaid leave to support her during treatments. This left the family with limited income and their savings depleted.

Once Fanny was scheduled to receive a transplant, Angel was told he would need to take months off from work to be his wife’s caregiver.

They have been battling a life-threatening disease with tremendous uncertainty for a year.

Now they had to worry about how they would pay the bills. How would they keep food on the table and pay the rent while Angel was a full-time caregiver? Fanny and her husband were afraid, they worried about their children.

Support for a Family in Need

That’s when the Icla da Silva Foundation stepped in. We provided vital financial support, funding rent, meals, and transportation during her treatment.

The Icla da Silva Foundation changes lives for families who face the burden of blood cancer. We provide much-needed financial support, helping a patient like Fanny focus on their recovery, not their bills.

You Can Help a Patient’s Fight for Life

Her bone marrow transplant was successful. The worst is over, and Fanny is grateful to be alive. She refers to the Icla da Silva Foundation as her “Angels”. We came into her life unexpectedly and provided critical support at a time when she needed it the most.

Fanny says she will be eternally grateful for the Icla da Silva Foundation. She is thankful for the life changing support she received.

You can help a patient like Fanny in their battle against blood cancer with a financial donation.

Your donation will help cover essential expenses like transportation, meals, and housing so a patient family can focus on healing.

Your gift will ensure that they won’t have to delay treatment.

Please donate today.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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Her Brother is Her Hero

REMOVING BARRIERS: Mackenzie’s Story

Hoboken, New Jersey

After having dinner with some friends, Mackenzie developed stomach pains. Could it have been something she ate? The pain was so intense that she had to visit Urgent Care.

They recommended an over-the-counter acid blocker. It was probably gastritis.

But the pain didn’t go away. A few weeks passed, and eventually, she ended up in the ER.

After several rounds of bloodwork, they realized it wasn’t gastritis. Mackenzie was diagnosed with leukemia. The pain in her stomach was not from something she ate. The leukemia had spread to her stomach, which was very rare.

Chemo started immediately.

Unfortunately, it caused a reaction that put her in the ICU. Those first 34 days in the hospital were scary. Eventually, Mackenzie received full body radiation, followed by another stay in the ICU, and then a bone marrow transplant.

Obviously, no one expects to face a life-threatening disease. She went out for dinner with friends, and one month later, she was battling for her life.

Still Fighting but Full of Gratitude

Mackenzie comes from a loving, close-knit family. She has a wonderful circle of friends. They were all affected by her diagnosis and she is grateful for the love and support she received from each of them while she fought leukemia.

They were constantly sending her messages and positive thoughts to keep going. Mackenzie insists she would not have gotten through treatment without their support.

She is also thankful for the support she received from the Icla da Silva Foundation.

IclaCares Helps Patients in Their Time of Need

One month before that dinner with friends, Mackenzie lost her dream job due to a corporate layoff. Just like you and me, she was concerned about her finances, but she knew she would bounce back. She relied on savings while searching for a new job. But after a critical diagnosis, and a month in the hospital, Mackenzie was more worried about how she would get through this.

The Icla da Silva Foundation provided financial support for Mackenzie during her treatment.

I was already worried about just making it day-to-day…it was such a huge relief to have some financial support…and even the emotional support, always checking in on me.” -Mackenzie S.

She told us, “It is so helpful knowing that I have a community that is worried about me and wants me to get better. I am really appreciative of you.”

Mackenzie is grateful for all the support she received, from her family, her friends, and the Icla da Silva Foundation.

But one person stands above the others.

Her Hero

Mackenzie is truly grateful for her older brother Mike. He is her hero for donating his bone marrow and saving her life.

“I wouldn’t be here without my brother.” Mike was a 100% match for her bone marrow transplant and she will be forever thankful.

Mackenzie is in recovery but still fighting. The treatments wiped out her immune system and the new cells from her brother are working hard to repopulate and create healthy cells in her body. There are still regular chemo treatments and spinal taps to ensure no leukemia is hiding in her spine.

We are grateful that Mackenzie shared her personal story with us. We will keep in touch with her and we wish her a full recovery.

You Can Help

Many patients struggle to afford everyday expenses like food, transportation, and housing while in treatment to receive a bone marrow transplant. The IclaCares program works to get those patients the help that they need.

“When you are in treatment, the last thing you want to think about is how am I going to pay my rent.”

By donating, you can ensure that a patient has the basic necessities while they are in treatment.

Your gift will assist a patient like Mackenzie.

Please donate today.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

Watch this brief video of Mackenzie sharing her story.

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