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From Caregiver to Receiver: Helping a Patient’s Journey


Floosmoor, IL

Donna’s cancer diagnosis brought a daunting challenge. Treatment meant months without work, leaving her to face mounting bills.

She needed assistance while preparing for a bone marrow transplant, but she was afraid to ask.

Donna has always been the one helping others. She lived a life of giving. She was a school teacher, a caretaker for elderly family members, and a maternal neighborhood figure, taking local children to summer camp through her church.

Now it was her turn to ask for help, but it put her in an uncomfortable position.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Icla da Silva Foundation stepped in to provide critical support during her treatment. Donna told us that when the email came through, indicating that she would receive support, there was only $12 in her bank account. We provided crucial funds for meals and transportation to medical appointments. We also helped her keep the lights on while she was unable to work due to disease.

Donna was happy to express her gratitude.

Sometimes, no one knows the distress that someone may be in. I was struggling, financially, silently. I continued to care for my aunt and my mom! I’m fortunate to have credit cards so I had resources. It was just awesome to be selected to receive help from Icla da Silva Foundation. It made me feel like I wasn’t alone and that someone cared!”

Donna’s bone marrow transplant was successful and we wish her a full recovery.

She looks forward to being able to give again.

Your generosity can make a life-changing difference for someone like Donna in their most vulnerable moment. Please make a donation today.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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