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“Shining a Light” on Financial Hardship During Cancer


Mckeesport, PA

We received this heartfelt letter from a patient’s wife, sharing how our financial assistance program provided them with much-needed support during their battle with cancer.

We want to thank your organization for helping us pay our electric bill (they were about to shut the lights off). There was even money left over for groceries. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

There are no government programs for people like us…we make too much to receive assistance, but not enough to get through the month, especially since my husband is not able to work right now due to his cancer.

Our daughter struggles with addiction, so we take care of our 4-year-old granddaughter. There is no assistance for grandparents who take custody to keep their grandchild out of the foster care system. We would never allow that to happen. She is the light of our lives.

If it weren’t for your program, we would have NOTHING – no assistance.

Paul is very quiet, so I will speak for him and say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WHAT YOU DO….If there is ever a time when we can give back, we definitely will!!!

Thank you again from Paul and Kristie 😊

We are happy to report that Paul received his stem cell transplant and is on the road to recovery.

Paul’s story, shared by his wife Kristie, is just one example of how the Icla da Silva Foundation is making a difference in the life of a patient facing financial hardship during cancer. The options for support while fighting a life-threatening disease are very limited. And timing is obviously important.

We were able to provide immediate support thanks to the generosity of donors like you.

Will you help us continue?

Your donation, no matter how large or small, can make a huge difference in the difficult journey to receive a bine marrow transplant. Please consider making a gift today, help us keep the lights on and food on the table for those who need it most.


Written by: Bret Itskowitch

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